1. About Us
  2. Empowering Minds Academy Trust

Empowering Minds Academy Trust

Tranmoor Primary School is part of the Empowering Minds Academy Trust (EMAT).


We are small academy trust comprising of five Doncaster schools:


  • Bessacarr Primary – Bessacarr
  • Hawthorn Primary  – Cantley
  • Highwoods Academy – Mexborough
  • Southfield Primary  - Armthorpe
  • Tranmoor Primary  - Armthorpe

Empowering Minds Trust is a growing child-centred Multi Academy Trust where challenge, collaboration, inclusivity and support is at the heart of our ethos. We intend to develop the children we teach to be independent, strong, empowered individuals who fully understand their place in the world.


We are a family of schools where every child/young person receives the best possible education through the sharing of best practice and world class professional development opportunities for staff. We have the highest of expectations, promoting excellence and personal achievement. We believe that children should be at the centre of everything we do and receive the best possible education. The well-being of our pupils is our number one priority. Today’s school pupils are growing up in a rapidly changing world, with a wealth of possibilities but many risks and anxieties too, particularly in relation to pupils’ mental health, self-esteem, relationships and their safety, both online and offline. Our academies follow an established nurturing ethos, rooted in the Thrive approach, facilitated by trained staff to identify and support pupils with any emotional, social or behavioural needs.


We value and embrace each school’s uniqueness and the community it serves, whilst seeking to learn from and share with each other so that we spread excellence effectively.


We believe in system leadership and that all schools are more effective when they work in partnership than when they stand alone.


We aim to provide strong, ambitious and inspirational leadership in every school so that every pupil and every member of staff is encouraged to achieve more than they thought possible.


We aim to develop a co-operative and collaborative ethos across all our schools so that best practice is shared in the best interests of all pupils and all staff.




The Chief Executive Officer is

Mrs Sarah Cairns

Click here to visit the Trust’s website


Trust Governance Structure 

Trust Members 

The members board are guardians of the governance of the Trust. They hold the Trust Board to account for the effective governance of the Trust but have a minimal role in the actual running of the Trust. 


Appointed by


Sheila Bean

Academy Member 

1st June 2017

Kate French 

Academy Member 

1st April 2020

Darren Mitchell

Academy Member 

1st September 2024

Board of Directors/Trustees 

The Trustees/Directors set the strategic direction of the Trust, hold senior school leadership to account and oversee the Trust's financial performance. 




Appointed by



Rachel Carney



5th October 2021

4th October 2025

Mark Skelton

Vice Chair 


1st September 2020

Robert Mellor


22nd February 2022

21st February 2026

Dimitri Zimozdra


1st September 2023

31st August 2027

Sarah Cairns



1st June 2017


Marie Rilett 



1st November 2024


Suzanne Gibbons 



1st November 2024 


Finance & Audit Committee 

Rachel Carney 

Robert Mellor 

Marie Rilett (Associate) 

Sarah Cairns 

Suzanne Gibbons (Associate)

 Mark Skelton 

Dimitri Zimozdra

Teaching & Learning Committee

Sarah Cairns 

Rachel Carney 

Robert Mellor 

Trust Policies

 Articles of Association.pdfDownload
 Funding Agreement.pdfDownload
 Modern Slavery Statement.pdfDownload
 Whistle Blowing Policy September-23_25.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Trust Office: Tranmoor Primary, Tranmoor Lane, Armthorpe, Doncaster, DN3 3DB 

01302 831720


Company Number: 10668193