Safeguarding Team
We all have a statutory duty to "safeguard and promote the welfare of children".
If you have any concerns about the health and safety of a child at Tranmoor Primary School or feel that something may be troubling them, you should share this information with the Safeguarding Designated Person or their deputy as soon as possible.
Please do not worry that you are reporting small matters – we would rather that you tell us things, which turn out to be mothering than miss a worrying situation.
Some issues e.g. a child's appearance, hygiene, general behaviour, can be shared with any teacher or member of support staff.
However, if you think the matter is very serious and may be related to a child protection concern, e.g. physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect, you must report this immediately to the people below prior to any discussions with parents:-
Name: Mrs Mitchell - Designated Member of staff for Safeguarding (Child Protection)
Job role: Assistant Head Teacher
Office/room is located in: Shelley Building, next to Kingsley Suite.
Telephone number: 01302 831720
E-mail address:
Name: Mrs Rushby - Designated Member of staff for Safeguarding (Child Protection)
Job role: Deputy Head Teacher
Office/room is located in: Main Office, Tennyson Building
Telephone number: 01302 831720
E-mail address:
Name: Mrs Marsden - Designated Member of staff for Safeguarding (Child Protection)
Job role: Parent Support Advisor
Office is located in: Shelley Building, next to Kingsley Suite
Telephone number: 01302 831720 (Option 2)
E-mail address:
If you are unable to contact them you can ask the office staff to find them and ask them to speak to you straight away about a confidential and urgent matter.
A copy of the "Working Together to Safeguard Children" booklet by HM Government is available in the School Office.