Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
At Tranmoor Primary School we are committed to providing outstanding education for all children in our school including those with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities. Our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) in school is Mrs K Mitchell. Contact: kathy.mitchell@empoweringmindsmat.uk
What are Special Educational Needs?
A child may have a special education need (SEN) if they require additional or different provision to support them in their learning. A child may have difficulty in reading, writing or mathematics, understanding others and expressing themselves, sensory perception or physical mobility or difficulties communicating with others. These difficulties cause barriers to the child's learning. For some children this may be a temporary difficulty, while others may have a long term need for special help.
My child is on the SEN register. What happens now?
If your child is identified with a special need they will be placed on our school's SEN register at SEN SUPPORT level of provision. Further guidance on the code from the Department of Education can be found at
The school will work in partnership with you as the parent or carer to assess your child to identify their strengths, needs and the extra help they require. Your child will be set targets each half term so that their progress can be monitored closely. These targets will be discussed and reviewed with you at parents' evenings or SEN reviews throughout the year. SEN reviews will usually be held by your child's class teacher and any other members of staff who support your child in school.
Who helps my child with their SEN?
The class teacher
Support Staff
Who may become involved with my child from outside the school?
Experts from outside agencies may be asked to assess your child's needs if they continue to have difficulties or if further assessment is required.
The SENCo may ask for your permission to seek additional advice from outside specialists such as health professionals, specialist teachers or educational psychologists who would:
- Carry out further assessment of your child's needs
- Provide advice to schools on how to best support your child
- Suggest resources that would help your child make progress
Parents are wherever possible offered the opportunity to meet with these professionals during SEN reviews to discuss the results of their assessment.
What is an Education, Health and Care Plan?
If your child's needs are very complex the school may ask the local authority, in collaboration with you as the parent or carer, to carry out an education, health and care needs assessment. This is only appropriate for a very small number of pupils and the SENCo and The Parent Partnership Service will be able to guide you through the process should this be necessary. This assessment could lead to your child getting an Education, Health and Care (EHCP) Plan. This EHC Plan brings all of your child's education, health and social care needs into one legal document.
Further guidance on EHC plans can be found at www.gov.uk/government/publications/send-guide-for-parents-and-carers
Who can I talk to?
If you are at all concerned about your child's needs their class teacher will be more than happy to discuss this with you at a mutually convenient time. You can also talk to Mrs K Mitchell who is the SENCO.
Please see the documents below for more information about our provision at Tranmoor Primary School.
Information requested from all schools for The Local Offer Tranmoor 2022
Tranmoor Primary School SEN Information Report 2022
For more SEND information click here
Are you a parent or carer of a child who has special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND)?
Do you know what groups and activities are available for disabled children in Doncaster?
Did you know that you can use Doncaster's Local Offer to find information and services relating to SEND, for children and young people aged 0-25 years?